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The Yogi Team on Mother's Day

 As we celebrate the first Mother’s Day without any restrictions, this year seems somewhat extra special as we can finally spend time with our loved ones. To celebrate we thought we’d catch up with some of the Yogi mums at home to see what they have planned for this special day. Whether you’re a mum, a future mum, auntie, grandmother, friend, or a mentor to others, Mother’s Day is about celebrating the special ladies in our life’s and remembering those who are no longer with us.

Meet the Yogi mums, Samira, Charlotte, Caroline, and Jennie - see what they have to say about being a mum to be, a working mum and all things Yogi…

Samira Meer – Production & Development Manager:

Mothers Day - Samira


What does been a mum mean to you?

Being there to guide and support them through their lives, particularly as they navigate their teenage years. It means loving them unconditionally, helping them to be the best versions of themselves and hoping that they don’t blame me if they need therapy later in life!

What do your days consist of being a working mum?

I have a reputation for being militant with routines and cleanliness and the kids often call me Monica from Friends! My working day has become easier as the kids have got older. Both are fairly independent although I still have a daily school run on my way to work. I normally get home around 4.30 and then transform into cook/cleaner/ taxi driver etc.

Mothers Day - Samira


Which pair of Yogi’s have you chosen for today’s shoot and why?

My favourite style this season is Finn women in tumbled white leather. It’s a cross between a shoe and a trainer and really distinctive. I find the negative heel comfortable to wear all day and the tumbled off-white leather is the perfect colour for Spring.

Mothers Day - Samira


Why is Mother’s Day important to you?

We always made a big effort with my mum on Mother’s Day. I was very close to her and once I became a mum myself understood the hard work and sacrifices you want to make for your children. Sadly, she passed away just over a year ago, so it is more poignant for us. The kids (& my husband) made it really special last year.

Charlotte Link - Production & Sourcing Coordinator 

Mothers Day - Charlotte


What does been a mum mean to you?

Being pregnant now, I feel I will learn what it means to be a Mum once my baby arrives. However, to me it means being responsible for someone else and being there for them no matter what, showing them love and being the best role model I can be. Being a Mum is the next stage of my life and I’m sure it will be an adventure!

How do you feel about becoming a first-time mum?

I can’t wait! I have 6 weeks to go now until my due date, so I’m almost there! I’m just excited now to meet my baby and see what she looks like!

Mothers Day - Charlotte


What is one trait that has definitely been passed down from your mum?

I’m sure I will find out if my parenting style is similar to my Mum’s once the baby arrives, but I feel my Mum always had a good balance of being strict when needed but also relaxed in other ways, and I very much feel I will be the same as her in a lot of ways.

How have you styled your Yogis?

I chose the Rufus Leather in white, being white they would have gone with anything; however I chose to pair with a neutral and comfortable outfit!

Mothers Day - Charlotte


What has been one memorable moment so far about being/becoming a mum?

The most significant moment for me in my pregnancy has been that first scan. When you see your baby for the first time, see them wriggling around (even though they are far too small for you to feel the movements yet) and hear their heartbeat it’s just an amazing moment, and it all suddenly becomes very real!

Caroline Entwistle - Brand Marketing Manager 

Mothers Day - Caroline


What does being a mum mean to you?

Being a mum has shown me what is really important in life. It’s a cliché, but it really is the best job in the world and has shaped who I am today. I absolutely adore my girls – they’re kind, funny and smart and I genuinely love their company. Obviously, it’s not always perfect though - I can relatively quickly go from being their friend, confidante and biggest cheerleader, to being the meanest person in the world!

I read a quote the other day that really resonated, “Welcome to being a parent of a teenager. Prepare for a large amount of eye rolling, emotional outburst and thoughts of running away. And that’s just the parents.”

How do you balance work and mum life?

I’m extremely fortunate that I work school hours, meaning I’m there to ferry the girls around when needed. When they were much younger, my job involved lots of international travel and that was really hard. Once the girls started to get older and question where I was going and when I’d be home, I realised it was time for a change. It was also exhausting and I’d done it for several years, so it was probably time for a change even if they hadn’t been around. Now, the balance works perfectly. I’m very lucky.

Mothers Day - Caroline


Which pair of Yogi’s have you chosen for today’s shoot and why?

I chose the Reefer in white. My previous favourites were the Rufus in nude, but I’m loving the fresh white of these – perfect for spring/summer.

What do your days consist of being a working mum?

Our daily routine is much easier now that Sofia and Alex are at high school. They get themselves ready in the morning, then my husband drops them off at school and I get myself off to work. If they don’t have any school clubs, the girls get the bus home from school and I’m not too far behind them, ready to start taxiing them to Army Cadets, dance lessons or friends’ houses. I then generally sneak in a run or get some jobs done while they are busy with their activities.

Mothers Day - Caroline


What are your 2022 Mother’s Day plans?

Although the last time I ran it, I said “never again”, I’ll be running the Sheffield Half Marathon in the morning. My mum will be coming over and she, Tony, Sofia and Alex will come along to cheer me on. Then hopefully a nice big lunch and glass of wine after.


Jennie Bianco - Head of Marketing 

Mothers Day - Jennie


What does been a mum mean to you?

Love, laughter, exhaustion, stress,

What do your days consist of being a working mum?

I don’t see Reggie in the morning as I am up and out of the house before he is awake – which I quite like as it means I have some time to myself without getting questioned about Pokemon cards. My husband is an artist and stay at home dad and luckily for me, cooks my dinner each night so I’ll go home and spend 10 minutes trying to get Reggie to tell me about his day while I eat. I then put him to bed with a chat or by reading a book. Weekends are spent trying to make up for not seeing him in the week with clubs, birthday parties and visits to friends or family.

Do you have any Mother’s Day traditions in your family?

I have 3 older brothers and we tend to use any excuse to meet up with food and games, so Mother’s Day tends to be the same, but we eat out, so no one has to cook and clear up!

Mothers Day - Jennie


Which pair of Yogi’s have you chosen for today’s shoot and why?

I have got the Willard’s in denim. I’ve been meaning to try the negative heel for a while, and this felt like the perfect opportunity to experience the USP of the brand.

What has been one memorable moment so far about being/becoming a mum?

We adopted Reggie when he was three and I vividly remember the contrast of being at work all day, having rational conversations with people, asking the team to pick up tasks and getting through a to do list to coming home and having to have the same 20-minute conversation about why he needed to brush his teeth every night for about 6 months. Prior to that, I no idea that parenting is mostly repetitive tasks.

What are your 2022 Mother’s Day plans?

My husband has a night out with his football team the night before, so he’ll begrudgingly make me breakfast in bed with a hangover and an hour less sleep because the clocks change. Reggie has his first Drama performance – it is a 3 hour show and he is in it for one song, so that should be fun – wish us both luck.


We hope you have a great Mother's Day however your celebrating! 

Keep up to date with all things Yogi by following us on Instagram @yogifootwear 

Thank you for reading! 


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