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In the Hot seat with TV presenter, Anthony Crank

We recently met up with TV presenter Anthony Crank at Microdot Boutique and talked through all things Fashion, TV presenting and the 90s.  
What was the first item of clothing you ever bought for yourself?
As a teenager I blagged a Saturday job in the most stylish designer menswear boutique in sunny Warrington, so was always into looking sharp and fashion in general. I think the first piece I saved up for was a John Richmond ‘Destroy’ T-Shirt, as I’d seen it in The Face and once I had bought it, I don’t think I ever took it off. It was black with a lycra feel and DESTROY emblazoned across it in reflective lettering. I wish I still had it now, be worth a mint.
Antony Crank, TV presenter, Yogi Footwear
How would you describe 'Manchester style?
Manchester is, and always will be, the absolute centre of the Universe for me on a myriad of levels. Its always been stylish and cool, but in a much more relaxed, non-conformist way. Theres no pretence in Manchester, it’s eclectic without being poncey, and Manc’s ‘peacock’ in a very different way than neighbouring cities such as Leeds and Liverpool for example. There’s a casualty that sets itself head and shoulders above the rest.
Microdot Boutique
Any fashion faux-pas you'd rather forget?
Christ, where do I start? Theres a well dodgy pap photo from some T4 Awards Ceremony floating about the web with me with an ironic mullet style hair dont  - the first and only time I ever used hair straighteners! And Im wearing a seersucker Paul Smith pale blue and white jacket with the sleeves rolled up. I saw it on Pete Docherty and thought Id follow suit. I wish I hadnt now in hindsight, I look like a bugger.
 Yogi Footwear,  Negative heel
Yogi was born in the 90s, what were you doing, what were you wearing and what were you listening to back in the day?
Trust me, I literally took the 1990’s by the horns and rode that decade exactly as it should have been. I left school in 1990 and I was mad for that whole ‘Daisy Age’ era, De La Soul, Monie Love, MC Lite, etc. But it was the band Deee-Lite that changed everything for me. Best band there ever was, and even now 30 years later their debut album ‘World Clique’ is still way ahead of its time. I was modelling in the 90’s in Manchester doing campaigns for JD Sports, Wrangler and it was the best time, seriously! And I was bang into fashion also, I used to work part time in the legendary Manchester boutique GEESE, which was like a club in itself, and would swan about in stuff from Burro, Joe Caseley-Hayford, Michiko Koshino, Antoni & Alison and the like. I wasn’t afraid of experimenting, even though it was all still on the cusp of casual.
How has your personal style changed since your T4 days?
Ive definitely 'fine-tuned' it, but still retained a sense of those glory days, definitely. Used to wear Yogis! I loved them! I had a cherry red leather pair that I ran into the ground. Ive got an obsession with round-toed, pastie style footwear, even to this very day. And Im a sucker for a T-shirt that no-one else has got. I spend hours scouring the net for designs and limited editions from T-shirt artists, on sites like Everpress. Im influenced by early 80s California, Hooligan Chic and Skater stuff. I do and always have loved a bit of Stussy also.
Who were you favourite band to interview? Any stories you can share? 
Best part of my life now is the memories of the gamut of personal heroes and legends I got to interview, especially through my time at T4 and MTV. Ive walked on stage with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers in Canada, git a shout out from Michael Stipe onstage with REM in Denver, sang the 1960s Pink Panther cartoon theme to Beyonce, so many amazing experiences. Im a massive Queen Latifah and LL Cool J fan, and both of those were the most funniest, gregarious and hilarious souls, so that was a proper buzz. I introduced Ian Brown on stage once at the Manchester Academy, and had a 3,000 strong braying crowd belting his name at me and that was pretty hardcore in the life experience stakes. I wish Id have met Amy Winehouse & George Micheal though, but I cant complain.
Yogi Footwear, Lennon Negative heel
What is your favourite Yogi style and why?
The Lennon (above), hands down. Its more than a shoe to me, I just feel the complete Dogs when Im wearing them. And EVERYONE comments on them, strangers in the street, the lot. A design classic and hands down the best shoe on this planet.

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