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In The Hot Seat with HortPreneur Michael Perry

You might recognise Mr Plant Geek aka Michael Perry from his appearances on TV as the This Morning gardener or Michael’s Garden on QVC.
The successful hortpreneur is a fan of all things natural so he is the ideal person to try out our ethical and sustainably sourced shoes. Here we caught up with him after his trip to the Seychelles.
Images by Rafal Czaniecki 


Describe your personal style:

I am really quite experimental, I like to approach each fashion comes along, but tailor it to myself. So, in that way I don’t end up looking like a fashion victim, but I still look quite current.

What was the first item of clothing you ever bought for yourself?

Oh my gosh, I don’t think I’ve ever thought about that. Because there is a point where your mother starts firing your trousers, and you start yourself. Possibly when I was 16, does that make me a late starter??

Any faux-pas you'd rather forget...?

So many! Because I’m always happy to give something a try, that means that it can occasionally turn out a deal bit oh my gosh. I can remember having blonde streaks at the front of my hair when I was at college, like Geri from the Spice Girls! I also remember just being quite a geek with my fashion years ago, and it wasn’t cool to be a geek back then!

Tell us about the oldest item in your wardrobe:

I tend to replace, and buy new things quite often, so the older stuff doesn’t really survive very well! I am wearing some fairly well weathered marble-ish stonewashed jeans at the moment though, I’ve had them more than one season so they going well!

What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought, clothing-wise?

Oh, I don’t buy things that are massively expensive, kind of mid range. It would probably be a coat at around £100, to be honest. See, not that extravagant really!

How do you style your Yogi shoes?

Actually, with the stonewashed jeans I just mentioned, they looked really cool, and I just put a black T-shirt on and it was just really classic but with that little modern twist.

What do your Yogi shoes say about you?

I have been amazed at how many people have looked at them to be honest, they have a really nice colour and texture. I love the way they hug my feet when I walk as well.

Yogi was born in the 90s, what were you doing, what were you wearing and what were you listening to back in the day?

The 90s are being celebrated a lot now, but I don’t remember them feeling that cool at the time. I was wearing lots of block colour, clothes that my mum had bought me of course!

This season you'll be wearing...

What ever feels right to me, I am happy to try anything, although high waist jeans don’t seem to suit me, so I’ll let that particular trend pass me by!

Who are your style heroes? (past and present)

I never put anybody on pedestals really, so that would be really difficult to say. Anyone that just dresses well, but embraces trends but without looking like a fashion victim, I’m a fan of those people

What fragrance do you wear?

I am a big fan of comme de garcons concrete! Or their black pepper!

Which is the best dressed nation?

Oh, what an unfair question! I spend a lot of time in Asia and Chinese people are very avant-garde with their fashions, they are happy to try any fashion that comes along and don’t feel any shame, and I really respect that.

What can we expect to see for Spring/Summer?

Colour colour colour. Maybe not so many patterns this year, more black colours, I often shy away from patterns because they look exciting, but don’t always make me look as handsome!


Follow Michael on Instagram @mr_plantgeek and online at


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